Day 112: Arguing with a fool makes it two 

To share or not to share

SilverGhoster and his classmates are weird. Period. For students getting an. MBA degree, especially in Educational Leadership, they seem to be a little immature in certain aspects. I remember having a similar conversation with GardenMan and his Senior, but these were u degrade kids in their second year. Not experienced professionals pursuing a professional degree, and heading off to lead institutions.

The bone of contention? Class notes, should one share them or not. I have always related to the concept of Open Source over proprietary software even when working. I believe that knowledge should be out in the open, available for those capable to make the most of it. And by reading the notes that you took in a class, if another is able to score more marks than you, what does it truly say about your preparation?

I take my notes online, on a OneNote, and the notebooks are shared with my classmates; well, both of them. At the end of the first semester, they themselves realized that using another’s to study us only so effective, and it’s more beneficial to take your own notes. Even now A uses my notes online but as a guide for last minute preparation.

It reinforces my thought, that when you put all your cards out there, people realize that their own limitations would stop them from making the most out of what you shared. And you eventually come out being the smarter one. Because we all know that when you argue with a fool, that automatically makes it two.

It is also well known that the one that doesn’t share his bread with the doggo is the fool. So, can you? Now please?” Scotch 

Day 109: One can only hope 

Sleep, sleep, sleep. Noon. Brunch. Read, rest, relax. Snooze, Snooze, Snooze. Wake up, bathe, study. Realize all content is from Mumbai University distance program. Feel miserable about life’s choices. Crib to SilverGhoster. U came here for a reason. You’ll understand that sooner or later. Sniff, Awhh. Bake some yummy keto bread. Coconut flour over Almond. Back to study. Give up by 10. Off to sleep. Up at 3. Finish the rest. Listening in class pays off, always.

​Highlight of the day – Make it to the corner. There is always hope just around it. Even Pandora’s box was closed in time to prevent hope from escaping.

Study all you want. Sulk all you want. But why don’t you share that yummy goodness? I mean, something more than just a slice. What good did 1 slice do to anybody?” Scotch

Day 59: Keto fun

The exams have had a strange effect on me. The pointlessness of it all breaks me every few hours. Are we still expecting students to prove their knowledge by cramming lessons a day prior and puking it out for 2 hours. When the question instructions say ‘answer not more than 3 pages’, you know the testing priorities are screwed up.

I landed up starting my preparations the morning of the exam. By 11am, I had studied enough to ace the noon paper. That gave me a lot of time after the exam. So I made the best of the evening. I keto’ed.

I experimented with these amazing Keto crepes. They tasted heavenly in their intended form, oozing with the buttery filling. Since I’m not a huge Cinnamon person (anymore), I replaced that with nutmeg and it worked out just fine.

I had sufficient to have this another day. I got more fancy this time and substituted this for my dosas craving. So, I skipped the butter filling, brought along some peanut-Chilli Powder as sides, and it rocked.

If I weren’t on the Egg Fast, I’d try adding some coconut flour in to match the dosas consistency. Right now, it was a little eggy and was a taste to be acquired for sure.

Acquired taste? You give me a drab oatmeal with veggies for lunch and you make such fun things for yourself? Let me acquire some of this new taste. 

Dogs can eat eggs and butter. So, share some, will you?” Scotch 

Day 29: Of government offices and bread! 

Government offices

Remember my earlier crib about the horrible state of the service industry in India? I wrote about it here. If I had two cents to complain about the bad service the packers provided, the government office I visited today would take away all my money. I went to a Bangalore One, the state government’s solution for combining all services provided to the consumer in one place. It’s the one place to pay your electricity and water bills, hand in your property tax and get government IDs done. It’s the one place where nothing works at all.

In today’s digital age, with the Prime Minister egging us all towards Digital India, here’s a classic case of retrogression. You can get your ID card made only by taking a special token, which is handed out only once a month, between 8 am and 9 am on that special day. Even if you managed to get a token, which would give you a date and time for the appointment, services on that day are done on a first come first served basis. At your allotted appointment hour, there will be a herd of applicants who did not waste their time picking up a token, but just showed up to get stuff done. The ‘manager’ of the center chats up with these non-scheduled applicants every few minutes, and squeezes them into the line. If you smiled nicely at the lady doing your biometrics, she’ll probably bump you up the list too.

Sniff! The fools that wait in queue for their turn shall wait until their hair turns grey.


Keto bread, crunchy and yum! 

There’s only one way to get rid of all the anxiety and the ill will that builds up after such a visit – bake! I managed to beat up a nice bread battery without a proper blender in hand. The temporary arrangements worked and we have bread. Thanks to Keto connect for their wonderful recipe. It’s definitely a must try for all those on the keto diet and missing bread.

That bread does smell amazing. Can you be careless now and let it slip? I’d love to taste it for you” Scotch